Relieved As Fears Crossword Clue

Embarking on an exploration of “relieved as fears crossword clue,” this discourse delves into the multifaceted nature of this expression, examining its synonyms, antonyms, historical usage, cultural significance, and more, offering a comprehensive understanding of its linguistic and contextual nuances.

The word “relieved” carries a wealth of meanings and implications, and this exploration unravels its intricate tapestry, providing a deeper appreciation of its role in language and communication.

Synonyms for Relieved

Relieved as fears crossword clue

Relieved is a commonly used word with a range of synonyms. Some of the most common synonyms for relieved include:

  • Glad: Feeling happiness or contentment due to a positive outcome or event.
  • Pleased: Experiencing satisfaction or delight, often in response to something favorable.
  • Grateful: Feeling thankfulness and appreciation for something beneficial or positive.
  • Thrilled: Overjoyed and excited, typically due to a highly positive experience.
  • Elated: Feeling extreme joy or euphoria, often accompanied by a sense of triumph or fulfillment.

Antonyms for Relieved

Relieved as fears crossword clue

The antonyms of relieved convey feelings of distress, anxiety, or discomfort. Some of the most common antonyms for relieved include:

  • Worried: Feeling anxious or concerned about something negative that may happen.
  • Stressed: Experiencing tension or pressure, often due to demanding circumstances.
  • Anxious: Feeling uneasy, apprehensive, or nervous about an uncertain outcome.
  • Burdened: Feeling weighed down or overwhelmed by responsibilities or problems.
  • Oppressed: Experiencing a sense of injustice, suppression, or restriction.

Related Phrases: Relieved As Fears Crossword Clue

The word “relieved” is often used in common phrases and idioms. Some of the most common related phrases include:

  • A weight lifted off one’s shoulders: A feeling of relief and liberation from a burden or worry.
  • To breathe a sigh of relief: To express relief through a deep breath.
  • To be relieved of duty: To be released from a responsibility or obligation.
  • To be relieved from pain: To experience a reduction or elimination of physical discomfort.
  • To be relieved from anxiety: To experience a decrease in feelings of worry or fear.

Historical Usage

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The word “relieved” has been used in the English language for centuries. Its origins can be traced back to the Latin word “relevare,” meaning “to lighten” or “to raise.” Over time, the word’s meaning has evolved to encompass a broader range of emotions, including feelings of happiness, contentment, and gratitude.

In the 16th century, “relieved” was primarily used to describe physical relief, such as the easing of pain or discomfort. By the 18th century, the word had begun to be used more frequently to express emotional relief, such as the feeling of liberation from worry or anxiety.

Cultural Significance

The word “relieved” holds cultural significance in many societies around the world. In some cultures, it is seen as a sign of weakness or vulnerability to express relief openly. In other cultures, relief is seen as a natural and healthy emotion that should be shared with others.

In Western culture, the expression of relief is generally seen as a positive thing. It is often associated with feelings of gratitude, happiness, and contentment. In some Eastern cultures, however, the expression of relief may be seen as a sign of disrespect or a lack of self-control.

Expert Answers

What are some common synonyms for “relieved”?

Synonyms include: eased, comforted, reassured, and alleviated.

What is the antonym of “relieved”?

The antonym of “relieved” is “burdened”.

How is “relieved” used in a sentence?

“Relieved” can be used in a sentence as follows: “She was relieved to hear that her child was safe.”

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