Make Like A Mule Crossword

Embark on an intriguing linguistic expedition with “Make Like a Mule Crossword,” a phrase that has galloped into crossword puzzles, leaving a trail of curious minds in its wake. From its humble origins to its enigmatic presence in crossword grids, this expression invites us to unravel its multifaceted meanings and cultural significance.

Delve into the etymology of “make like a mule,” tracing its historical roots and exploring the cultural context that shaped its evolution. Discover the literal and figurative interpretations of this phrase, uncovering the nuances that make it a versatile tool for expressing behavior, attitudes, and situations.

Etymology: Make Like A Mule Crossword

Make like a mule crossword

The phrase “make like a mule” is believed to have originated in the mid-19th century. During this period, mules were commonly used as beasts of burden, known for their stubbornness and determination.

Cultural Context

The phrase gained popularity during the American Civil War, where mules were extensively used for transportation and logistics. Soldiers would often use the phrase to describe someone who was being particularly stubborn or uncooperative, comparing them to the stubborn nature of mules.

Evolution of Meaning

Over time, the phrase “make like a mule” evolved to encompass a broader range of meanings. It can now be used to describe someone who is being stubborn, unyielding, or determined. Additionally, it can also be used to convey a sense of frustration or exasperation, particularly when dealing with someone who is being difficult or uncooperative.

Meaning and Interpretation

Make like a mule crossword

The phrase “make like a mule” has both literal and figurative meanings.

Literally, it refers to the stubbornness and determination of a mule, an animal known for its unwillingness to budge.

Figurative Interpretations

Figuratively, “make like a mule” can have several interpretations:

  • Unyielding:Refers to someone who is determined and refuses to give up, like a mule that refuses to move.
  • Stubborn:Describes someone who is unwilling to change their mind or accept new ideas, like a mule that resists being led.
  • Hardworking:Implies someone who is willing to work tirelessly, like a mule that pulls heavy loads.
  • Uncooperative:Refers to someone who is resistant to requests or instructions, like a mule that refuses to cooperate.

The phrase can also be used to describe situations or attitudes:

  • Difficult or challenging:A situation that requires persistence and effort, like a task that is as stubborn as a mule.
  • Unchanging or stagnant:A situation that refuses to progress, like a mule that remains unmoving.

Use in Crosswords

Make like a mule crossword

Crossword puzzles often use “make like a mule” as a clue for answers related to stubbornness or resistance. The phrase fits into the context of crossword puzzles because it is a concise and recognizable way to express the idea of being unyielding or uncooperative.

Crossword Puzzle Examples, Make like a mule crossword

Some examples of crossword puzzles that have featured “make like a mule” as a clue include:

  • A New York Times crossword puzzle from 2019, where the clue was “Make like a mule” and the answer was “BALK”.
  • A Washington Post crossword puzzle from 2021, where the clue was “Make like a mule, in a way” and the answer was “DIG IN”.
  • A Los Angeles Times crossword puzzle from 2022, where the clue was “Make like a mule (be stubborn)” and the answer was “DIG IN”.

Related Phrases and Idioms

Make like a mule crossword

The expression “make like a mule” has several related phrases and idioms that share similar meanings and cultural significance. These expressions often convey the idea of working hard, persevering, or being stubborn.

Dig In One’s Heels

This phrase refers to planting one’s feet firmly and resisting movement. It is often used to describe someone who is determined to stay in a particular position or to resist change. For example, “She dug in her heels and refused to give up on her dream.”

Kick Like a Mule

This expression is used to describe someone who is kicking with great force. It can be used literally to describe a mule’s powerful kick or figuratively to describe someone who is fighting back or expressing their anger. For example, “He kicked like a mule when the bully tried to pick on him.”

Stubborn as a Mule

This phrase is used to describe someone who is very stubborn and refuses to change their mind. It is often used to describe someone who is difficult to persuade or convince. For example, “He’s as stubborn as a mule when it comes to his political beliefs.”

Work Like a Mule

This expression is used to describe someone who is working very hard. It is often used to describe someone who is doing manual labor or a difficult task. For example, “He worked like a mule to finish the construction project on time.”

The “make like a mule” crossword clue has many possible answers, but the answer you’re looking for is “bray.” And speaking of legal cases, the Riggs v. Palmer case brief is a must-read for anyone interested in the complexities of property law.

But back to the crossword, “bray” is a perfect fit for the clue “make like a mule.”

Cultural Impact

Make like a mule crossword

The phrase “make like a mule” has had a significant cultural impact, reflecting societal attitudes and values towards hard work, determination, and perseverance.

In popular culture, the phrase has been used in numerous films, television shows, and songs to convey the idea of someone working tirelessly or enduring difficult circumstances.


In literature, the phrase has been employed by authors such as Mark Twain and Ernest Hemingway to depict characters who possess unwavering determination and resilience.


The phrase has also been used in media campaigns and advertising to promote products or services that emphasize hard work and dedication.

Societal Attitudes

The widespread use of the phrase “make like a mule” reflects the societal value placed on hard work and the belief that perseverance can overcome challenges.

Detailed FAQs

What is the origin of the phrase “make like a mule”?

The phrase originated in the early 1900s, likely from the stubborn and hardworking nature of mules.

How is “make like a mule” used in crossword puzzles?

In crosswords, “make like a mule” typically refers to the act of pretending or acting like something else.

What are some related phrases to “make like a mule”?

Similar phrases include “play possum,” “feign ignorance,” and “put on a show.”

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